If you are ever in or have seen an accident, here are a few steps to follow.

Involved In An Accident
Keep calm
Turn on hazard lights (road flares optional) if necessary
Be on the look out for leaking (flammable fluids)
Turn vehicle off and leave it where it is
In severe accident (injuries) do not move vehicles
Move your vehicle (in minor accident) to a safe spot if you can (roadside, parking lot, etc...)
Injuries? Stay in your car and relax. Call for help.
Assist others in accident if you can (provide medical assistance)
Don’t move anyone that is injured unless it is absolutely necessary
Assess damage to your vehicle (keep away from traffic)
Call 9-1-1, 0 or local police number
Get important info from others involved in accident:
• Name • Address • Phone number • Driver’s license number • Insurance carrier + policy number • License plates number • Make, model, colour and year of vehicle • Look for expired license, license plate and any signs of alcohol /drug use or uncertain behavior
Get name and badge number of police that assist
Call Falls Auto Body for assistance (905.354.2822) any questions or concerns (during regular business hours
Ask to get a copy of police report
Have vehicle towed/driven to a collision repair facility of your choice
Write a complete description of accident: weather conditions, estimated speeds, precise information, who was wearing seat belts, etc...
Take photographs (damage and scene)
Be polite and courteous and never admit fault
Observed An Accident
Park your vehicle away from accident
Check to see if anyone is injured
Assist others in accident if you can (provide medical assistance)
Don’t move anyone that is injured unless it is absolutely necessary
Call 9-1-1, be prepared to answer questions
Location of accident
How many people need help
Turn on hazard lights (road flares optional) if necessary
Turn vehicle off and leave it where it is, leave the scene exactly as is
Be prepared to provide a witness statement/account